California Job Applicant Privacy Notice and Policy

Last Updated: December 29, 2022

This Starry, Inc. 加州求职者通知和政策(本“政策”)解释了我们从加州求职者那里收集的信息, and how we use, share, and store this information where applicable. In this Policy, Starry, Inc. 也可以被称为“星空”、“公司”、“我们”和/或“我们的”。. Starry takes privacy seriously, 并致力于保护您个人信息的隐私和安全.

Information We Collect About You
For the purposes of this Policy, “personal information” is information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you. 以下是我们可能收集的关于您的个人信息类别的示例,并解释了收集和使用此类信息的主要原因. 请注意,并非所有收集类别都适用于您的工作申请或与公司的互动.

Sources of Information
在许多情况下,我们会直接向您收集有关您的信息. We may also receive information about you from other sources, including third parties or publicly available sources.

How Else We Use Your Information

  • Effectively operate, manage, and maintain our business.
  • Comply with applicable laws or regulations.
  • Comply with contractual obligations.
  • Detect and prevent fraud or crime.
  • Enforce, exercise, and/or defend legal claims.

Our Disclosure of Your Information
只有在招聘和就业安置服务需要时,星空才可能与第三方共享您的个人信息. We will never sell your information.

The table below shows, for each category of personal information we collect, 我们可能出于业务目的向其披露此类信息的收件人类别. Please note, in addition to the recipients identified below, 我们可能会向政府机构披露我们收集的任何类别的个人信息, 可能需要遵守法律或防止非法活动.

We Do Not Sell Your Information
As noted above, 星空绝不会出售您的个人信息或以其他方式与任何第三方分享您的个人信息以换取金钱或其他考虑.

Information Retention 在保留申请人和/或员工信息的时间方面,星空公司的政策符合适用的州和联邦法律.

Your Rights and How to Exercise Them 《极速赛车正规开奖官网网站》(“CCPA”)和《极速赛车正规开奖官网网站》(“CPRA”)为加州雇员提供了某些权利, including, as applicable here:

  • Right to Know: 您有权要求披露(i)所收集的个人信息类别, (ii) sources of personal information, (iii)我们向其披露个人信息的第三方, and (iv) what personal information was shared and to whom. 您也可以要求披露所收集的特定个人信息.
  • Right to Delete: 您有权要求我们删除从您收集的某些个人信息.
  • Right to Correct:您有权要求更正我们收集的不准确的个人信息.

您有几个选项可以提交请求以行使您的知情权, correct, and/or delete your information:

  • You can email the Starry Legal team (
  • You can contact Starry’s customer support team as follows:
  • You can write to us at:
    Starry, Inc.
    Attn: Legal Department
    38 Chauncy Street, 2nd Floor
    Boston, MA 02111

Additionally, you can submit the information request form below:

Information Request Form

When you make a request, 我们可能会要求您提供最多四项基本个人信息,以合理验证您的身份, which we will match with our records. 如果您选择通过提交上面链接的表格提出请求, 您还将收到一封电子邮件确认,指示您完成我们要求您采取的额外步骤,以帮助验证您的身份和电子邮件地址. 如果我们无法验证您的身份,我们可能不会回应或处理您的请求.

Once we have verified your identity, we will respond to requests to exercise rights to know, correct, and delete information as soon as possible, 在所有情况下,在我们收到请求或验证您的身份之日起45天内, whichever is later.

You May Also Submit a Request Through an Authorized Agent
您可授权第三方作为您的授权代理人代表您提交申请. 您的授权代理人可以使用上述相同的选项提交请求,我们将使用上述相同的过程验证您的身份. 我们只会向我们存档的电子邮件地址提供请求的个人信息. 如果您的授权代理人必须直接将信息发送到他们自己的电子邮件地址而不是您的电子邮件地址, you or the agent may contact Starry directly at

No Retaliation or Discrimination

How We Protect Your Information
We use technical, administrative, 以及防止未经授权访问的物理防护措施, use of, or disclosure of the information that we collect and store. But no security program is 100 percent secure. As a result, 我们不能保证我们将阻止每一次未经授权的访问尝试, use, or disclose information.

我们每年进行数据保护评估并审查我们的政策, and subsequently throughout the calendar year as needed, to determine whether updates are necessary, 或反映任何变化的情况,并遵守适用的法规. 我们还开展年度员工培训,使员工熟悉我们的隐私和数据安全政策.

We may change our information collection practices over time. To the extent that our practices materially change, 一般适用于您提交个人信息时的现行政策. In addition, 本政策可能会更新,以通知您我们处理您的个人信息的其他目的.

If you have any questions about this Policy, 或者由于残疾需要以其他格式访问本保单, please email or send a letter to us at the following address:

Starry, Inc.
Attn: Legal Department
38 Chauncy Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02111